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My antivirus detects XLSTAT as malicious software

If your installation wizard disappears while installing XLSTAT, or if any alert from your antivirus appears during this process, then it is possible that XLSTAT is detected as malicious software when it is actually safe. This alert is simply a false-positive. You may ignore this warning and add the XLSTAT installation path as an exception to your antivirus software.

Why your antivirus detects XLSTAT as malicious software?

The policy regarding virus detection for VBA programs has recently changed and since XLSTAT must use VBA in order to function within Microsoft Excel, certain antivirus may falsely detect our software as a virus.
We can guarantee that XLSTAT is safe for your computer.

What to do if XLSTAT is blocked by an antivirus?

The first step is to add the XLSTAT installation folder as an exception to your antivirus. Here are some examples:

You may also report the false-positive to your antivirus provider so that they can verify and add XLSTAT as safe software in their system.

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