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Manage your XLSTAT License using the command line

Your XLSTAT License can be managed using the command line. The tool allowing you to do so is called xlc. It is available for PC and Mac and is located in the XLSTAT installation directory. It allows to perform operations such as activating, deactivating or printing your license information.


Using the command line tool

Depending on your system:


In order to open a command line prompt, press the Windows+R keys of your keyboard and type in cmd. Press Enter. A terminal window should appear.


Please open the Terminal application, usually located under Utilities in your Applications directory. The terminal should then appear.

Type xlc help in the terminal and press enter. A help message starting like this should be printed:

C:\>xlc help
Usage: xlc operation [options...]
Available operations and their options:

Process according to your case:

  • If this is what you see, you are ready to use the command line tool.

  • If instead of the help message you encounter an error, the XLSTAT installation directory is not included in your PATH variable. In order to use the XLSTAT command line tool, you need to navigate to the directory using the cd command:


cd "C:/Program Files (x86)/Addinsoft/XLSTAT"


cd /Applications/

You may need to adapt the path above with your own installation path.

Once again, type in the xlc help command. You should be able to see the help information. You are now able to use the command line tool.

Running with elevated permissions

A few operations require to be run with elevated permissions, started as an administrator. If so, it would be specified in the help section of that command, or in the corresponding guide in this tutorial.

Here is what you have to do in order to launch commands as an administrator:


Open your start menu then type cmd in the search bar. Once the cmd icon appears in the menu, right-click on it then click Start as an administrator. Validate the popup and you should now have a terminal with elevated permissions. Refer to the previous section Using the command line tool to find out how to use the license tool.


Open a terminal as described in the Using the command line tool section. Prepend commands that need to be started as an administrator with sudo ./, like this:

sudo ./xlc <operation> <options...>

You should be prompted to enter your password. Once validated, the command will be run with elevated permissions.

Troubleshooting, accessing the command line help

It could be possible that some changes made to the tool might not be documented in this tutorial. If you happen to meet some unexpected behaviour from your commands, please refer, in the first place, to the help information of the operation you are using on the XLC tool itself. It is the most up-to-date information available concerning the XLSTAT Command line tool.

In order to consult that help, type in this command in your command prompt:

xlc help

If this does not help you solve your problem, please contact us with details about what you are trying to achieve, how you proceeded and what is happening.

Basic operations

Printing information about your license

The tool can be used in order to print details about your license status. This is done using the following command:

xlc status

Here is an example of what should be printed in your terminal:

C:\>xlc status
XLSTAT license details
Installation_Type: Account
Client_HostID: xXXxXxxXXxxxXXXXXxxx.xXXXXXxxxxXXXxXXXXXX
License_Status: Registered (expiring license)
License_Id: XxxXXXXX-XxxX-XXXx-xXxx-XXXXxXXXXXXx
License_Domain: COMPANY
Alias_Name: My-Alias-Name
Expiration: 2036-07-26

For more details on the status operation, please refer to the help on the tool itself by running this command:

xlc help status

Logging into and out of your MyXLSTAT account

You can log in or log out of your MyXLSTAT account using the command prompt.

Logging in

Type in this command to log in:

xlc account login

Launching this command will launch the MyXLSTAT window for logging into your account.

Logging out

Type in this command to log out:

xlc account logout

This command will automatically log you out of your MyXLSTAT account.

Activating a license

Both online and manual activations can be made using the XLC tool. Here is a process for both methods:

Online activation

The online activation is the classic way to activate XLSTAT. It is done automatically.

Type in this command by replacing placeholders with your own values:

xlc activate -k YOUR\_LICENSE\_KEY

You can also manually specify an alias name for this activation using the -a option. The command would be the following:

xlc activate -k YOUR\_LICENSE\_KEY -a "YOUR ALIAS"

Make sure to enter your alias name between double quotes if it contains any space, just like in the example.

A message should then inform you of the result of the operation.

Manual activation

Manual activation allows you to activate XLSTAT on a computer that has no access to the internet. However, it requires another computer that is connected in order to communicate with the XLSTAT activation website.

  1. On the offline computer, type in this command:

xlc activate -o -k YOUR\_LICENSE\_KEY -a "YOUR ALIAS"

The -o option specifies that an offline activation code should be generated. This code will be displayed in your terminal.

  1. Copy that code to the computer that is connected to internet, open an internet browser, go to, then paste the code in the Certificate field. Click on Generate the unlock file.

  2. An activation file should automatically be downloaded. Transfer this file back to the computer running XLSTAT. Using the XLC tool, import the activation file using this command:

xlc import -f PATH\_TO\_ACTIVATION\_FILE

PATH_TO_ACTIVATION_FILE being the location of the activation file, for example: "C:\Users\My User\Desktop\XLSTAT_Activation.bin".

Don't forget to enclose the path in between quotes (") if it contains any space.

  1. A message should then inform you of the result of the operation.

If you need more help with the activate and import commands, you can write the following commands:

xlc help activate
xlc help import

Deactivating a license

Both online and manual deactivations can be made using the XLC tool. Here is a process for both methods:

Online deactivation

The online deactivation is the classic way to deactivate XLSTAT. It is done automatically.

  1. Type in this command:

xlc deactivate
  1. A message should then inform you of the result of the operation.

Manual deactivation

Manual deactivation allows you to activate XLSTAT on a computer that has no access to the internet. However, you need another computer that is connected in order to communicate with the XLSTAT activation website.

  1. On the offline computer, type in:

xlc deactivate -o

The -o option specifies that an offline deactivation code should be generated. This code will be displayed in your terminal.

  1. Copy that code to the computer that is connected to internet, open an internet browser, browse to, then paste the code in the Certificate field. Click on Deactivate.

  2. A message on the website will inform you of the result of the operation.

For more details on the deactivate operation, please refer to the help on the tool itself by running this command:

xlc help deactivate

Command summary

Here is a summary of the available operations and their options.

Please note that the help provided in the command line tool's help operation is the most up-to-date and should be trusted over the information provided in this summary.

Operation Options and details
xlc status [-s Status_Selector] Displays the license status of XLSTAT or a single detail if a selector is given using option -s (--select).
E.g.: C:\>xlc status -s XLSTAT_Solution FORECAST
xlc activate [-o [-f PATH]] -k Activation_Key [-a Activation_Alias] If option -o (--offline) is given, this will generate an activation code for offline activation instead of trying an online activation. The mandatory option -k (--key) should contain a valid license key. Option -a (--alias) allows to specify an alias for this computer. If it is not given, one will be generated automatically. The activate operation is not available for the Network edition of XLSTAT. Activating for a Campus license will require administrator rights. In the context of an offline activation, the option -f (--file) allows to save the activation code into a file rather than it being printed in the console.
xlc import -f Activation_File_Path Corresponds to the final step of the manual activation. -f (--file) Location of the offline activation file to be imported in order to activate XLSTAT with.
xlc deactivate [-o] -o (--offline) Allows to specify that an offline deactivation code should be generated. To be used on our deactivation website.
xlc refresh [-a New_Alias] [-k License_Key] Refresh the license by contacting XLSTAT licensing services.
xlc settings [get [Setting_Name]] [set Setting_Name Setting_Value] Allows to manage the XLSTAT license environnement settings. Please use this operation with care.
xlc help [Operation] Displays the tool's help document. No option.

xlc account commands

Operation Options and details
xlc account info Prints details regarding the current account session.
xlc account login Establishes a new account session by prompting for login.
xlc account logout Closes the current account session.
xlc account refresh Refreshes the current account session without user interaction.
xlc account licenses Retrieves the list of licenses that are assigned to the currently signed-in account.
xlc account newtrial Requests the creation of a new license trial for current signed-in user on this machine.

xlc network commands

Operation Options and details
xlc network connect Server_Hostname [-p Server_Port][-global] Connects the licensing of XLSTAT to the license server designated by the given Server_Hostname. The port can be changed via option -p (--port) if the server listens on a non-default port. You can end the command with -global if you want the connection to be effective for all users of the computer.
E.g. C:\>xlc network connect myServer -p 7070 -global will establish the connect to the server named "myServer" on the port 7070 and for all users of the computer.
Note that if you don't use the -global option, the connection will be done for the current user using the command.
xlc network disconnect Disconnects from the license server that has been configured.
xlc network borrow [-d Day_Duration] Borrows a network license seat for offline use of XLSTAT. The seat will be available on this computer for a duration given by option -d (--duration). It defaults to 7 days. It will expire at the end of this delay. The duration specified can go from 1 day to 365 days. The duration won't exceed the expiration date of the server's license. It can be returned by using the 'return' operation of this application.
xlc network return Returns a previously borrowed seat to the license server so it is available again before the expiration of the reservation.
xlc network list Lists the licenses that are available on the network license server the licensing system is connected to. Their license id may be used to specify which license to be retrieved by the client.
xlc network license select License_ID Sets the license to be retrieved to be the one specified by the provided License_ID. Available license ids may be retrieved via the 'network list' command of this tool.
xlc network license reset Resets the license id selector to requesting the default license.

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