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XLSTAT silent installation on Windows

This guide describes the silent installation of XLSTAT. It allows you to proceed without the need of an interaction with a graphical interface. This can be useful, by example, in the case of a software deployment in a large company computer network.

Before starting

The silent installation method is composed of two .msi files, corresponding to the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of XLSTAT. The installed version must match the version of the installed Microsoft Excel software. If it is a 32-bit installation, XLSTAT 32-bit should be used as well.

The Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable must also be installed on the computer XLSTAT is deployed on. The required version would be 32-bit or 64-bit epending on the version of XLSTAT that is used.

Just like Microsoft Excel, please note that it should not be attempted to install both 32 and 64-bit versions of XLSTAT. This is not supported and it would likely lead to unexpected behaviour.

Please also note that installation through MSI files should not be mixed with the regular attended installation of XLSTAT. It must be updated using the same method it was installed with.

Downloading the installation packages

The packages can be downloaded from here:

Running the installation

The MSI packages can firstly be installed with a regular double-click. In that case, they would be installed with the same settings as a regular XLSTAT installation.

The installation can be started using Windows Installer's command line tool, msiexec. The command to perform a silent installation would be the following:

msiexec /qn /i xlstat_x86.msi

Further information about the Microsoft's installation software is available on their website.

Customizing the installation

A set of parameters can be given along with the silent installation of XLSTAT. They have to be provided with the command line the software is installed with, using the following format:

msiexec /qn /i xlstat_x86.msi OPTION1=VALUE BIGOPTION="QUOTES FOR SPACES" <strong>...</strong>

Here is a listing of the available parameters and what they should be used for:

Parameter name Description Possible values Default value
INSTALLDIR Directory in which XLSTAT should be installed. Any valid path. Enclose in doublequotes if spaces are present. C:\Program Files (x86)\Addinsoft\XLSTAT or C:\Program Files\Addinsoft\XLSTAT
INSTALLLANG The lang XLSTAT should be displayed with. Available values: US (English), FR (French), DE (German), IT (Italian), ES (Spanish), PT (Portugese), CN (Chinese), JP (Japanese). System language if available, english otherwise.
ALLUSERSSETTINGS Whether or not XLSTAT's ribbon should be added into Excel for all users. Please note that this may overwrite the startup of other Excel add-ins. Only use this if it is required. Without this option, users other than the one who installed XLSTAT will have to launch the software for the first time using its desktop icon or by opening XLSTAT.xla from the XLSTAT installation directory. 0 or 1 (off/on) Off (0)
USEREXPERIENCE Whether or not XLSTAT should report crash information to Addinsoft for analysis. 0 or 1 (off/on) On (1)
CHECKFORUPDATE Whether or not XLSTAT should automatically check for updates and inform the user in the case of new XLSTAT releases. Please note that updates cannot be installed if users don't have elevated rights on their computers. 0 or 1 (off/on) On (1)
NOTIFICATION Whether or not XLSTAT should display notifications about XLSTAT-related recent changes or upcoming events. 0 or 1 (off/on) On (1)
PROXYHOST Address of the proxy that should be used for XLSTAT to contact its update and activation servers Any IP address or DNS Hostname. None
PROXYPORT Port the proxy listens on. 1 - 65535 None
SERVERHOST In the case of a network license setup, the address of the server that should be contacted to obtain the license. Any IP address or DNS Hostname. None
SERVERPORT In the case of a network license setup, the port the license server listens on. 1 - 65535 7070

Activating XLSTAT

In order to perform an unattended activation of XLSTAT, please refer to the license management command line utility guide for details on the commands to run.

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