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Webinar XLSTAT: Sensory data analysis - Part 2 - Relating preference to sensations

Sensory data analysis - 1 hour

This webinar presents a few popular tools used for this purpose, such as Preference Mapping (PREFMAP), CATA data analysis as well as Penalty Analysis.

  • XLSTAT: who are we?

  • What we've seen in the last webinar

  • Mapping preference data using Internal Preference Mapping

  • Evaluating sensory attributes using different scales

  • Relating preference to sensations measured on a quantitative or ordinal scale - External Preference Mapping

  • Relating preference to sensations measured on a Just About Right scale - Penalty Analysis

  • Relating preference to sensations measured on a binary scale - CATA data analysis

Produced by: Addinsoft and directed by: Jean-Paul Maalouf


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